Implement a platform independent re-entrant sort function
completed by: Johannes Schulte
mentors: Daniel Rossberg
The classic C library qsort() does not support a context parameter. A work around is to store the context information in a static variable. However, this solution is not thread save and may result in unpredictable behavior.
There are platform specific sort functions qsort_r() in incompatible versions for BSD and GNU and qsort_s() for MSVC. Your task is to implement a bu_sort() function for BRL-CAD which is platform independent.
- src/libbu/sort.c
The new sort function could look like this:
void bu_sort(genptr_t array, size_t nummemb, size_t sizememb,
int (*compare)(const_genptr_t, const_genptr_t, genptr_t),
genptr_t context);