GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 BRL-CAD

Design a cover image or banner for our Facebook page (and other social media sites) #5

completed by: Sharan Narayan

mentors: Sean

BRL-CAD got a relatively new logo. The website is undergoing major changes. So this re-branding of BRL-CAD also requires a good, well designed and attractive cover photo for the BRL-CAD's Facebook page and other social media facades. It should feature a good tagline (our official is "open source solid modeling") or showcase some killer feature of BRL-CAD, BRL-CAD's new logo and/or some illustration/image regarding the feature highlighted.

It should be consistent with the color scheme of our new website design.  Please avoid a military-centric theme.  Make it look impressive, awesome.  Be simple, but be awesome.

New website design:


You may also get some inspiration from our recent book creation:


Submit one image of the banner image by itself and another example mock-up image showing how it will look on our Facebook page.  Any image format will do just fine.

There are duplicates of this task as we solicit ideas and inspiration.  Do not claim more than one without discussing with us first.