Sugar Labs

Mailing List:
About Sugar Labs:
Sugar Labs, a volunteer-driven, nonprofit organization, is a member project of the Software Freedom Conservancy. Originally part of the One Laptop Per Child project, Sugar Labs coordinates volunteers around the world who are passionate about providing educational opportunities to children through the Sugar Learning Platform.
About Sugar:
Sugar is written and maintained by volunteers, who range from seasoned professionals to children as young as 12-years of age. Children who have grown up with Sugar have transitioned from Sugar users to Sugar App developers to Sugar maintainers. They hang out on IRC with the global Sugar developer community and are full-fledged members of the Sugar development team. It is this latter group of children we hope will participate in and benefit from Google Code-in. Specifically we want to re-enforce the message that Sugar belongs to its users and that they have both ownership and the responsibility that ownership implies. Just as learning is not something done to you, but something you do, learning with Sugar ultimately means participating in the Sugar development process. At Sugar Labs, we are trying to bring the culture of Free Software into the culture of school. So the Code-in is not just an opportunity for us to get some tasks accomplished, it is quintessential to our overall mission.
Sugar Labs
is a member project of the Software Freedom Conservancy.
Completed Tasks
- Accelerometer
- Accelerometer emulator
- Add customization to Letter Match
- Add move timer to Sugar GNUChess
- adjustable clock
- Browse i18n improvement
- Calculate activity bug fix
- Calculate activity bug fix too
- Calculate activity enhancement 1
- Calculate activity enhancement 2
- Calculate activity enhancement 3
- Calculate activity enhancement 4
- Calculate activity enhancement 5
- Calculate activity enhancement 6
- CantaBichos i18n
- Conozco Elementos Químicos i18n
- Conozco Peru i18n
- ConstellationFlashCard cleanup
- ConstellationsFlashCards i18n
- Convert Clock to GTK3
- Convert ConstellationsFlashCards to new toolbar style and GTK3
- Convert Get IA Books to GTK3
- Convert IRC to GTK3
- Convert Memorize to GTK3
- Convert Physics to GTK3
- Convert physics to SugarGames
- Convert Read Etexts to GTK3
- Convert Slider Puzzle to GTK3
- Convert Speak to GTK3
- Convert TamTamEdit to GTK3
- Convert View Slides to GTK3
- Create new Sugar Labs home page
- Create RPM for TurtleArt
- Creating And Testing Activities That Use The Accelerometer
- CucaraSims i18n
- Domino i18n
- Fototoon: Export as a book
- Free Cell i18n
- GTK2-to-GTK3 conversion
- How are we doing?
- How to create a collection
- How to get git installed in Windows
- How-to video: Sugar on a Stick
- How-to video: Sugar on a Stick (Windows 8)
- How-to videos
- Implement a presentation mode in Fototoon
- Improve text handling in Fototoon
- Infoslicer enhancement (journal images)
- Infoslicer enhancement (wikislices)
- Installing Sugar over a low-bandwidth connection
- IRC activity defaults
- JAMedia i18n
- Level Tool
- Local wiki snapshot export to Journal
- Log activity enhancement
- Make Your Own Sugar Activities! Chapter: Converting Hippo Canvas to Straight GTK
- Make your own Sugar activity: GTK3 examples
- Make your own Sugar activity: Sugar Contributions
- Make your own Sugar activity: SugarGame
- Make your own Sugar activity: Webkit
- Manage on-line credentials
- Moon activity enhancement 1
- Moon activity enhancement 2
- move ConstellationsFlashCards results to toolbar
- Multilanguage screen-shots
- Multiple Homeviews
- New Features
- OCR Document formatting (10 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (11 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (12 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (13 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (14 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (15 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (16 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (17 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (18 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (19 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (2 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (2 of 46) – repeat
- OCR Document formatting (20 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (21 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (21 of 46) – repeat
- OCR Document formatting (22 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (23 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (24 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (25 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (26 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (27 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (28 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (29 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (3 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (30 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (31 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (31 of 46) – repeat
- OCR Document formatting (32 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (33 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (34 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (35 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (36 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (37 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (38 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (38 of 46) – repeat
- OCR Document formatting (39 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (4 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (40 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (41 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (42 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (43 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (44 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (45 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (46 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (5 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (6 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (7 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (8 of 46)
- OCR Document formatting (9 of 46)
- Orphaned activities
- Package toolbar utils
- Pausing GST when playing audio
- Pootle helper-script
- port custom toolbar to GTK3 (Ruler)
- port play_audio_file to gst 1.0
- Port to Python3
- RESERVED Wiki clean up (7 of 20)
- Set background image
- Special Needs
- StarChart i18n
- Stopwatch enhancement
- Sugar assessment tools
- Sugar Documentation
- Sugar FLOSS Manual
- Sugar i18n
- Sugar in the Cloud
- Sugar in your school (opportunities)
- Sugar in your school (roadblocks)
- Sugar Network Contributor Hub look and feel
- Sugar on a Stick guide
- Sugar on Android
- Sugar Touch
- Sugar VM
- Sugarize Python Turtle module
- SVG internationalization
- Theorie i18n
- Turtle Art nutrition
- Turtle Art tutorial
- Turtle Art with Sensors Tutorial
- Update the Spansih version of Using Sugar in the Classroom to Sugar 0.98
- user-defined units for Ruler Tool
- Using Sugar in the Classroom
- video chat for Sugar Chess
- Web lightbox feature
- Wiki clean up (1 of 20)
- Wiki clean up (10 of 20)
- Wiki clean up (11 of 20)
- Wiki clean up (12 of 20)
- Wiki clean up (13 of 20)
- Wiki clean up (14 of 20)
- Wiki clean up (15 of 20)
- Wiki clean up (16 of 20)
- Wiki clean up (17 of 20)
- Wiki clean up (18 of 20)
- Wiki clean up (19 of 20)
- Wiki clean up (2 of 20)
- Wiki clean up (20 of 20)
- Wiki clean up (5 of 20)
- Wiki clean up (6 of 20)
- Wiki clean up (8 of 20)
- Wiki clean up (9 of 20)
- Write activity enhancement