Hedgewars: Too many variables
completed by: Joe D
mentors: Andrey Korotaev, Xeli, koda
Remember to join our IRC channel when working on this task! We are on #hedgewars at freenode.net. If you are new to IRC, read this tutorial from a past GCI participant.
Your task
hedgewars/uVariables.pas is where we keep every global variable of the game; some functionality overlaps with hedgewars/uConsts.pas and hedgewars/uTypes.pas. Your task is to identify which variables are unused across other sources files, cleanup duplicated variables usage in the other files and try to reduce the number of global variables as much as possible.
A working patch, that applies cleanly to our source tree. This patch should be in the form of a pull from clone, hg export
or unified diff format (in order of preference) implementing the functionality required.