GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 BRL-CAD

Set up BRL-CAD nightly downloads within Buildbot

completed by: Cezar

mentors: Sean

Another GCI task installed and set up the Buildbot continuous integration system for us to use. That's a system for compiling software over and over to detect quickly when changes are introduced that break either compilation or run-time behavior.

This task involves continuing that work and getting a nightly (FreeBSD) build of BRL-CAD set up.  The previous GCI task is here:

Since this task requires access to one of our production servers, you MUST be comfortable using a command-line (BSD/Linux/UNIX) and working on a server remotely via SSH.  Join IRC and contact 'brlcad' to get an account established for working on this task.

You should also be familiar with:


You'll keep a log of everything you do and submit that here for the task in addition to setting up any jobs within Buildbot.  Also submit any scripts that you write.

We're looking for something similar to what the Blender guys set up:


They conveniently documented their setup completely for your reference.