GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 Apertium

Catalogue ressources for Dutch

completed by: Daniel Huang

mentors: Youssef Oualmakran

Find and describe all useful resources for working on Dutch [1] in Apertium. These resources should help the developer for the morphological dictionary,[2] the bilingual dictionary[3] or the language transfer rules. References to existing or former machine-translation systems using Dutch are also welcome.
The resources should state in which language it has been redacated (e.g. English, Dutch, French, etc) and what kind of reference it is (eg: grammar, English-Spanish dictionary, wordlist, corpus, spellchecker, grammar checker, other linguistic tool, etc.).
We give a high value to documents written on papers (dictionaries, grammar, language overview). In this case, do not forget, to mention all the references to the book/article (author, years, title, etc)
Participants may take inspiration from previous work done for Aromanian [4]. You have not to use exactly the same structure, but it may help you if you do not know how to organize that page


* Be able to edit a wiki
* Be able to search in internet
* Basic knowledge in Dutch and English.
* Upload a file with wiki syntax and the Ducth ressources as described in this task.

You are strongly advised to come on our IRC ( #Apertium) chat to discuss with mentors and developpers. If you do not know how to use IRC, you can use your web navigator preferably with (put #apertium in the channels fields) or (if you cannot use the first link).