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Documentation: Include description from question type articles into question types overview page

completed by: Aaron P

mentors: Marcel Minke

The english article "Question Types", link) has its own description and images. It would be better to include the description from the question type articles. This can make maintenance easier.

Task steps:

  • Use link) to get to the articles for the question types. For example, the first is "Question type - Array" at link) .
  • If the article doesn't have a header called "short description" (Wiki: !Short description ) add the short description header.
  • The short description should be short and tell the user in one to three sentences what this question type is used for. You can use the existing description in the article if it fits well or copy and customise it. After your work is done it should look like
    !Short description
    An array allows you to create subquestions as your left hand headings, and let your participants respond to a series of possible answers options using those subquestions.
    {img src="img/wiki_up/F_AFL.jpg" desc="Example of a standard array question"}
    !General description
  • Have a look at the english page link)
  • Edit link) : Remove the old text/images and include the short description of the question type article.
  • Before:
    !!! Array
    {img src="img/wiki_up/F_AFL.jpg" }
    {file name="F - Array Flexible Labels.csv" desc="Download this question type to import it at your survey"}
    To show scale details left/right of the answer scale you can use "|" as a separator when adding the answer text e. g. 
    "not at all satisfied|extremely satisfied"
    {img src="img/wiki_up/H_SD.jpg" }
    {file name="H - Array Flexible Labels - Semantic Differential.csv" desc="Download this question type to import it at your survey"}
    Find out ((Question type - Array|more about the Array question type...))
  • After:
    !!! Array
    {INCLUDE(page="Question type - Array",start="!Short description",stop="---")}{INCLUDE}
    Find out ((Question type - Array|more about the Array question type...))
  • Repeat this for all question types
  • Discuss your changes with your mentor