Translate the english "optional settings" wiki page to Spanish
completed by: Freddy
mentors: holch, Marcel Minke
The "optional settings" wiki page ( holds information about Limesurvey settings for certain parts of the programm that are to be set at the config.php file and are not included at the global settings.
A Spanish version of this page doesn't exist and needs to be created based on the english page.
Task steps:
- Create a user account at
This can be used to log in at the wiki as well. After having registered, click the "documentation" link on the Limesurvey main page.
- Have a look at the english base page:
- On top right, choose the option to translate the current english version and assign the new page a matching name and the Spanish language
- Translate the english page to Spanish
- When you are done, check carefuly if no settings is missing
- If you have any questions about a certain setting, ask it here, your mentor will be notified.
- When you are done, submit your work here (just give the link to the translated page).