GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 LimeSurvey

General Code Cleanup

completed by: Gautam

mentors: Carsten Schmitz (c_schmitz), Pieter-Jan Speelmans (MrP001), Tom Klingenberg (mot2), Shubham Sachdeva, TMSWhite, Diogo Gonçalves (dionet)

Clean up the mess in our development Yii version!


Things to do:

  1. Remove usage of $this->yii and $this->controller from the actions and instead use Yii::app and $this->getController() respectively.
  2. Remove $dbprefix usage from all queries and instead wrap table names with curly braces.
  3. Format code with respect to LimeSurvey Coding guidelines.
  4. Implement Survey_Common_Action::_renderWrappedTemplate() in all the administration actions.
  5. Properly implement Survey_Common_Action::css_admin_includes() and Survey_Common_Actions::js_admin_includes() (migrate them from AdminController) in all the administration actions.
  6. Standardize code across all the actions (especially run method).