GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 FreeBSD

Write a GNATS to SQL converter script

completed by: Alex Rucker

mentors: Eitan Adler, Wojciech A. Koszek

Description of a task

The target of this task is to research, whether conversion from GNATS to SQL database is possible.

Participant must mirror at least 2000 tasks from the GNATS database, create SQL tables based on the GNATS database bug format, and write a script, which will bring bug reports from ASCII to SQL database.

No specific technology is required for this task. Script can be written in any modern programming language. Perl is well known to be suitable for text processing, but using Perl for this task isn't a requirement.

Task Requirements

Please read before accepting this task, as it contains further details on what this task consists of, as well as providing useful information on how to obtain the page source and how to proceed with the task.

Additionally, students will need to obtain a copy of the GNATS database.  The instructions for doing this can be found at , your mentors will be able to help you should you have issues downloading the database.