Add a section to the FreeBSD handbook on how to use the kismet software to debug WI-FI problems based on instructions from a wiki page
completed by: issyl0
mentors: Jakub Klama
Description of task
There are instructions in the FreeBSD wiki to help users debug WI-FI connections using the kismet software available in the ports collection: This information would be useful to our userbase to troubleshoot problems they might encounter with different WI-FI adapters/drivers/connections. This information needs to be added to the FreeBSD handbook or an appropriate preexisting article on WI-FI. The information added in that way needs to conform to FreeBSD's documentation formatting and style guidelines described in the FreeBSD documentation primer:
Task requires:
A FreeBSD system (in a VirtualBox Virtual Machine) installed on your computer.
Knowledge of the documentation guidelines for the FreeBSD project:
Check out a copy of the documentation tree from the documentation repository to get the source code for the chapter