GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 FreeBSD

Add a chapter about embedded systems and the flattened device tree to the FreeBSD developers handbook

completed by: issyl0

mentors: Jakub Klama, Gavin Atkinson

Description of task

An important part when developing embedded FreeBSD systems is the knowledge on how to use the flattened device tree (FDT), which is different than the device tree on non-embedded systems. The following FreeBSD wiki page has information on the structure of the FDT and how developers can get device information from it: A new chapter in the FreeBSD developers handbook needs to be created to get this information in one place where developers are likely to look for it and where we can point people to when questions about the FDT are being asked. When adding these instructions to the developers handbook, the source code for the chapter needs to be correctly formatted and must conform to our documentation source code style guidelines.

Task requires:

A FreeBSD system (in a VirtualBox Virtual Machine) installed on your computer. 
Knowledge of the documentation guidelines for the FreeBSD project:
Check out a copy of the documentation tree from the documentation repository to get the source code for the chapter