GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 FreeBSD

Add a small section about MythTV to the FreeBSD handbook's multimedia chapter

completed by: issyl0

mentors: Wojciech A. Koszek, Bernhard Fröhlich

Description of task

There is a howto in the FreeBSD wiki on how to use MythTV on FreeBSD:

We want to have this in our FreeBSD handbook chapter on multimedia to help our users run this software. If possible, the howto needs to be tested whether it still works as described with the current version of MythTV available in the FreeBSD Ports Collection.

Task requires:

A FreeBSD system (in a VirtualBox Virtual Machine) installed on your computer. 
Knowledge of the documentation guidelines for the FreeBSD project: 
Check out a copy of the documentation tree from the documentation repository to get the source code for the chapter