GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 FreeBSD

Add Qemu as a host option to the FreeBSD handbook chapter on virtualization based on content from a wiki page

completed by: Reid Anderson

mentors: Gavin Atkinson

Description of task

QEmu is a popular CPU emulator.

It is available in the FreeBSD ports collection under emulators/qemu. It can be used as a virtualization platform to emulate other processors/systems running on FreeBSD as a host. The FreeBSD handbook already has a chapter on virtualization, however, QEmu is not covered there yet. The purpose of this task is to create a section within this chapter describing QEmu and how it can be set up as a host on FreeBSD. The following wiki page can be used as a source of information: Although care must be taken as some information is likely outdated and needs to be tested on recent versions of FreeBSD. The added information in the handbook page needs to conform to FreeBSD's documentation formatting and style guidelines described in the FreeBSD documentation primer: 

Task requires:

A FreeBSD system (in a VirtualBox Virtual Machine) installed on your computer. 
Knowledge of the documentation guidelines for the FreeBSD project: 
Check out a copy of the documentation tree from the documentation repository to get the source code for the chapter
Knowledge about QEmu would be helpful, but is not required to work on this task.