GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 FreeBSD

Convert the AppserverJailsHOWTO wiki page into a separate article (Tomcat)

completed by: Bharath Mohan

mentors: Glen Barber, Gavin Atkinson

Description of task

There is a howto in the FreeBSD wiki on creating a tomcat server with a focus on security:

We want to have this in a separate FreeBSD article within the FreeBSD documentation tree to instruct our users on how to create such a system. The version information of the software might be outdated, so the howto needs to be checked whether it still works as described. 

Task Requirements

Students should use a FreeBSD system like our VirtualBox image to test the procedure, and should be prepared to research information available online.

Please read before accepting this task, as it contains further details on what this task consists of, as well as providing useful information on how to obtain the page source and how to proceed with the task.