GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 WordPress

Comment meta lost on WXR export/import

completed by: The Little Pirate

mentors: Jon

Recently a number of improvements to the export and import process using WordPress eXtended RSS (WXR) files were made. However, there are still a few things missed out in an export/import cycle.

This task is to implement the exporting of comment meta information associated with each comment and ensure that it is also imported correctly. The relevant trac ticket for this is It will be necessary to write a core patch for the export part and a separate patch for the importer (

When you claim a task, please include a short description of your experience with WordPress and any relevant information that will help us judge the likelihood that you will succeed at this task. Since only one student can claim a task at a time, if it doesn't seem like a good fit for your skills, we can recommend a different task.