Animated Factoroids Background(TuxMath)
completed by: Aviral Dasgupta
mentors: Jesus Manuel Mager Hois
Tuxmath contains a game activity called "Factoroids", which is a factoring game inspired by the arcade classic "Asteroids."
The actual background of factoroids is a big static imagen. You need animate the background of factoroids. Write two layers. The first one must be a randome collage or images, like galaxies, stars, etc... The second layer is the "star layer". This layer must be animated, the stars drawed in this layer must have the "screensaver" flight in the space effect. You can aditionaly add any cool animation to the backgrund.
The code that controls this behavior is in factoroids.c. If you need some sprites, you need to include it in the autotool chain.
This task will involve setting up a working build environment on your computer, then modifying the C code in factoroids.c to change the design of the new laser. You should not need to mess with autotools or cmake, except to execute the standard build commands.
The completed project would optimally be submitted as a diff between the final and original source trees. As this is all within one file, the final factoroids.c could be submitted as a simple file attachment.
(this should be significantly easier than the task to create a server selection interface. In both cases, much of the work is just a matter of getting a working build environment set up, which is pretty easy in Linux but really painful in Windows).