GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 Tux4Kids

Tux4Kids Cognizance

completed by: Valentine

mentors: LIFESAVER101

I had the following task in my mind and would love to mentor for the same. I have broken down the task into points:-

Details: -

1)The participant has to create a 2min video about Tux4Kids. Explain its advantages and why one should use it.

2)Upload the above video on you-tube and also on his/her facebook account.

3)Make a small report on Tux4Kids siting its advantages,usage etc and upload it on

4)Give a small presentation in class discussing the above points(advantages and why one should use Tux4Kids). After the presentation he/she also has to give a demo of the software by running it and explaining its various different functionalities.

Well the above task is of moderate difficulty and it would help to create a lot of publicity as YouTube, scribd and facebook are very powerful tools for publicity. Also the task is fun - filled and won't feel like a burden to the participant. 

So do let me know if I can be the mentor for the above task.
