Test iteration of DynLexPad

completed by: rfw

mentors: whiteknight

Task Description: Parrot Ticket #1028 requests the ability of the DynLexPad PMC type to be iterable. A prototype for this functionality was added in the dynlexpad_get_iter branch, but has not been tested. Test this new functionality, fixing it if broken, and write at least one unit test to prove that it works as expected.

Steps to Complete:

  1. Create a fork of parrot/parrot on github
  2. checkout the dynlexpad_get_iter branch
  3. Examine the branch commits to see what new features it adds, or claims to add
  4. Test the new behaviors, writing a unit test or several tests to verify that it works as adverised
    1. if it does not work, fix it.
  5. Update the ticket with your status and request the branch be merged.