GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 LimeSurvey

Testing: Survey Runtime Testing (LS 1.91 beta / limesurvey-dev branch)

completed by: Suhas Sharma

mentors: Machaven, Carsten Schmitz

1. Problem Description

Limesurvey is always evolving with new features. Our latest beta/development version contains many new and exciting features. We need your help to test the development version in order to find bugs before the users find them! The first QA task will be to test the most important part of limesurvey; the survey runtime. This is where the surveys run and where survey participants partake in surveys.


2. Task Steps

  1. Import the demo survey to get an overview of the question types.
  2. Add a file upload question to the survey.
  3. Create question conditions to test.
  4. Set question attributes to test.
  5. Activate and test the survey runtime exploring all branching set by the conditions.
  6. Write a report detailing your test actions and outcomes.


3. Overview

Time Frame: 72 Hours

Skills: Survey Creation, Report Writing, Application Testing

Difficulty: Medium

Mentor: Machaven