GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 LimeSurvey

Doc: Rewrite template editor wiki page

completed by: Julian

mentors: Marcel Minke, Machaven

1. Problem Description

Limesurvey has a template editor which allows users to create and modify templates used when displaying surveys. These templates allow survey administrators to adjust the look and feel of their surveys and brand them as well. Currently the documentation for the template editor is out of date and needs to be brought up to date with the latest version of limesurvey. Furthermore information is diveded nto three different pages containing redundant information. This has to be improved. Cropped screenshots should also be inserted to visually reference the documentation and the software.


2. Task Steps

  1. Read the existing outdated documentation.
  2. Explore limesurvey's template editor and compare it to the existing documentation.
  3. Design a new structure for the documentation which is easy to follow and well structured.
  4. Discuss your planned documentation structure with your mentor.
  5. Rewrite the template editor documentation.
  6. Insert cropped screenshots where needed.
  7. Submit your documentation for review by your mentor.


3. Overview

Time Frame: 3 Days

Skills: Wiki editing, Limesurvey

Difficulty: Moderate

Mentor: Mazi (english, german)