GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 KDE

MapWizard GeoScene Refactoring, Step 1: Creation of a basic GeoSceneDocument object inside the wizard.

completed by: Utku Aydın

mentors: tackat

This task is a follow-up task of the Research task that investigates refactoring of the

Map Creation Wizard:


This task is about the first step presented in that document:

The map wizard code should create a GeoSceneDocument object with a proper GeoSceneHead that should have all the meta data information stored provided by the user.


The task is part of of a series of difficult tasks that refactor the Map Creation Wizard in a way so that it works based on GeoScene classes which has benefits in terms of extensibility, maintenance, etc. . The completion of this task series requires some very good in-depth understanding of Marble's technical design and the way GeoScene classes work.