Amarok on other Desktops and Operating Systems: Amarok on OSX - Insider article
completed by: coldblud
mentors: Valorie Zimmerman
Nice explanation of the Amarok build on OSX; both how to install it, and quirks in running Amarok on OSX. Requires some HTML markup, as well as screenshots for illustrating the text. Installing Amarok on OSX is required of course. Post your article here:
Please don't be distressed by the HTML that's showing -- it will be useful when it's time to put up for final publication at Don't waste any time using wiki markup -- just use HTML which will work in Drupal. and,-now-with-more-sexy.html might be helpful to you.
Please come into #amarok and #rokymotion (Freenode IRC) with questions -- even if I'm not around, they are both full of helpful, knowledgeable people.
I'll be gone for the New Year's holiday, unfortunately, but as always, the helpful folks in #amarok and #rokymotion can answer your questions about Amarok. They will not be able to help you with GCI task questions, however. You'll have to wait until my return for that.