GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 KDE

Romanian GUI Translation for KmPlot

completed by: AlexMetalhead

mentors: Victor Carbune

KmPlot is a mathematical function plotter for the KDE-Desktop.

According to KDE Localization Stats for KDE Edu approximately 99% (473 strings) of the KmPlot interface is not translated.

There are several basic steps which you have to follow in order to succesfully complete very fast this task (no technical skills are required):

  • Subscribe to the and read the general information (in romanian) from
  • Install Lokalize, following the instructions from here
  • Download the kmplot.po file, open it with Lokalize
  • Claim the task and write an email to to inform everyone that you are working on it

If you get stuck on any of the above steps, ask for help by email or on the public channel #kde-i18n.

Send us by email the saved translated file and make sure you don't forget to add your name as contributor :-).


You are also strongly encouraged to get in touch with the romanian community translating free software, and use resources available online:

* Glossary of terms:

* General translation guide: