A KDE-Edu tour screencast
completed by: Giannis Konstantinidis
mentors: Anne-Marie Mahfouf
The aim of this task is to make only one screencast to present the whole KDE-Edu project.
It should start with the project's logo (link below) and then should display something like "Free Educational Software, built on KDE"
Then you will choose to either present some of the programs
- by age (Preschool, School, University)
- or by categories (Language, Miscellaneous, Mathematics, Science)
It is prefered to have subtitles/text than voice as this will be used in loop in promotional events.
Do not present each program but only 1 or 2 per category.
Links: website http://edu.kde.org/
Logo (svg): http://edu.kde.org/images/scalable/KDEdu.svg
IRC: Freenode network, #kde-edu #kde-soc and #kde-promo channels
Pre-requisites: know how to make a screencast and include subtitles
Outcome: a promotional video which will present the KDE-Edu project