GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 KDE

Amarok: Moodbar generation - Spiffy artwork for your music

completed by: Евгений Лежнин

mentors: Nikhil Marathe

Moodbars ( ) assign colour to tracks depending on the 'mood' of the song at each moment. It looks very pretty! Amarok currently supports moodbar display but the actual .mood files have to be generated. Write a Amarok plugin in QtScript (JavaScript) that generates the moodbar files from within Amarok.


This script is a good starting point which generates moodbars for one song by invoking the moodbar program on it. It has some bugs with tracks getting deleted etc. which should be taken care of. It is suggested that you actually run it on a separate instance of Amarok with a different collection directory so that you don't lose your music while you are developing the application. An amalgam with something similar to should do the trick.

Remember to watch out for a few mistakes. If you run the script in a very naive manner it might end up blocking the rest of Amarok, or eating up a lot of CPU. Be sure to try it out on large collections. ( If you don't have a large collection, thats ok, you can always request some developer/mentor )

Amarok should be able to generate moodbar files for the entire collection by running in the background and getting information about the collection location and tracks. In addition, new tracks added to the collection should have new mood files generated.

There should be a user configurable option:

- delete mood file on track deletion - Should the .mood file be deleted when a track is deleted from the collection

Prerequisites: Basic JavaScript knowledge