GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 Haiku

[2] Create a Quality Assurance kit - Test data

completed by: Szymon Barczak

mentors: Alexandre Deckner


Haiku doesn't have any quality assurance checklist. Before each release, this checklist and test data would be checked by the community at large so that we can assert a basic quality level before each release.

This is the second part of the "Create a Quality Assurance kit - [1] Checklist" task, you'll find a more detailed description in part [1].



[2] Test data:

Create the accompanying sets of reference data "media files / urls / directory structures" for checklist tests that need it.



Provide one image file (preferably copyright free) for each supported image format in Haiku.

Provide one video file (preferably copyright free) for each supported video format in Haiku.

Provide one audio file (preferably copyright free) for each supported video format in Haiku.


Provide one reliable public ftp server url to test the ftp command.